At the Senkakukan we are dedicated to the lifelong study of BudÅ - a Japanese term meaning the "martial way." In our daily practice, weather in or out of the dojo, would be to set good examples that add to the betterment of our community. We find that we can attain this by learning the fundamentals of productive behavior, through our individually studying the refined mental and physical techniques found in the martial arts.
Senkakukan is directly affiliated with
Meishi Ha Mugai Ryu at Gyoksuikai in Tokyo Japan,
Toyama Ryu at Seizankai in Machida Japan,
Zen Nihon Batto Do Renmei in Fukushima Japan,
Senpokan in Santa Anna Calif. and
Seikei Dentokan Bugei Renmei in Ofallon Ill.
Our immediate US head Shihans include Sensei,
Tony Alvarez in the Japanese sword arts and
Sensei Col. (retired) Roy Jerry Hobbs in Dentokan Jujutsu.
Affiliation Info